This website was created and maintained by me, Maggie
Fesenmaier, a doctoral student at the University of Washington. This website is part of my research to
better understand Internet adoption in The Republic of Moldova. There is also a survey on this site that, if
you are Moldovan, I encourage you to please take!
My Background:
My family currently lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
though we spent a good deal of time moving around. I generally grew up amongst the cornfields of
Illinois and moved to PA my senior year of high school. I attended and graduated from Penn State (WE
ARE…). Immediately following graduation
I left for the Moldova with the U.S. Peace Corps.
I frequently get asked, why Moldova?! There are many reasons:
Primarily, I owe my host-family and friends a great deal of gratitude! They lovingly (and patiently) taught me a new culture that will always impact my life. Also, however, Moldova is a global leader in immigrant remittances. Each year Moldovans flood into the international job-market and send home money and goods to family. According to the G8 this behavior is to be encouraged in other developing nations. Thus, much of the developing world will follow the Moldovan lead. Possibly, if we can understand the role of technology in information spread in Moldova, then we'll have a jump on understanding the same phenomenon in other nations as well.
My time in Moldova and out experiencing the world have
encouraged and fueled my studies. I’m
thankful everyday that Dragos wandered away and founded the amazing nation of
Moldova! If you have any more questions
about me or this project please don’t hesitate to contact me. La revedere.
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