Curriculum Vitae

Margaret A. Fesenmaier

7000 Roosevelt Way NE, Apt 301

Seattle, WA 98115




Ph,D, Communication,                                                                            Expected 2017

Universtiy of Washington, Seattle WA

Advisor: Dr. Katy Pearce


M.A., Communication,                                                                             June 2013

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA

Thesis: Permeating the curtain: Understanding online health knowledge campaigns in the Republic of Moldova

Advisor: Dr. James D. Ivory


B.A., Media Studies,                                                                                 May, 2008

Minors: International Studies and Political Science

The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA

            Semester Abroad, International Studies,                                         Jan-May, 2007

            Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Prague Czech Republic


Understanding the effective spread of information, particularly in developing regions; the impact of emerging global communication tools; and media as a facilitator for social change.


Fesenmaier, M.A. (2012, October). Blogging in the dark: A content analysis of the New York Times op-ed reader commentary. Accepted for presentation to the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Midwinter Conference 2013, Oklahoma City, OK.  

Fesenmaier, M.A., Kaloumeh, L., Zhuang, Y., & Ivory, J.D. (2012, August). Revolutionary Medium? Portrayals of Social Media in American and Egyptian Newspapers’ Coverage of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution.  Accepted for presentation to the International Communication division at the 100th Annual AEJMC Conference, Chicago, IL.

Earlier version presented at the March 2010 AEJMC Southwest Colloquium, Blacksburg VA.

Fesenmaier, M.A. (2012, January). Revolutionary Rhetoric: A Traditional Analysis of Rais Lebled, A Tunisian Anthem. Accepted for presentation to the Global and Local: Human Rights Policy and Law division, at the Human Rights: Witnessing and Responsibility Dean’s Research Forum, Blacksburg, VA.


Fesenmaier, M.A., Kaloumeh, L., Zhuang, Y., & Ivory, J.D. (Forthcoming). Revolutionary Medium? Portrayals of Social Media in American and Egyptian Newspapers’ Coverage of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution.  Newspaper Research Journal.


Schott, C. & Fesenmaier M.,edi. Proceedings of the 6th Annual Tourism Education Futures Institute Conference, Milan: TEFI, (2012).


Lecturer, Comm 2004: Public Speaking                                                   2011-2013

Virginia Tech, Blacksburg VA

·     Instructor to eighty undergraduate student for introductory public speaking course

·     Facilitated weekly lesson plans and supporting material

·     Managed student grades, assignments and evaluations


Teaching Assistant, Comm 1014: Introduction to Communication      2012-2013

Virginia Tech, Blacksburg VA

·        Advised undergraduate communication students during office hours

·        Graded quizzes and assignments

·        Created and taught two large- class lectures


Volunteer, The United States Peace Corps                                                          2008-2010

            Corjeuti, Republic of Moldova

·        Weekly health lessons and seminars in the local schools

·        Monthly adult health seminar for hospital patrons

·        Conducted professional seminars for TARE: Women’s leadership Camp



Intern, Tourism Education Futures Institute (TEFI)                               May-Aug 2012

Philadelphia, PA

·        Assisted with conference organization

·        Edited Conference Proceedings and assisted with arrangements for Special Edition

·        Created and implemented Social Media and community integration plan

·        Generated organizational documents and bylaws


Director of Scheduling, Trivedi for Congress                                       2010-2011

Ardmore, PA

·        Responsible for maintaining and creating the candidate’s public and personal schedule

·        Created and organized voter outreach events

·        Assisted with creation and exportation of Press Releases and organization of press-targeted events

·        Creation and distribution of daily press updates to staff

·        Intern Coordinator

·        Office manager, responsible for maintaining office equipment and supplies, answering phones and other basic office duties


Legislative Intern, Senator Arlen Specter                                                          June-Aug 2007

Washington, D.C.

·     Contributed to legislative research

·     Supported constituent relations efforts and correspondence




Spring 2013: “Moldovan Round Table” Southern Conference on Slavic Studies (SCSS) 51st Annual Conference, University of North Carolina at Greensboro [Moderator: Dr. Robert Jenkins and Dr. Jacqueline M. Olich]

Fall 2012: “Public Speaking 101” Virginia Tech CLHAS Ambassador Program (Undergraduate Outreach Club), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University [Instructor: Dr. Karen Watson]

Fall 2012: “Social Distance Mitigation by New Media,” New Communications Technology, COMM 4374 (Undergraduate Course), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University [Instructor: Dr. Adrienne Ivory]


Certified Brand Ambassador, Marketing and Strategic Comm December 2012

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg VA

·        Completed bi-semester certification program

·        Studied how to develop, identify, plan and measure a brand

·        Developed a unique brand profile


                Excellence in Service Award,                                                                May, 2013

Virginia Tech Graduate Student Association



Co-Chair, Graduate-Undergraduate Mentorship Program (GUMP)      2012- 2013

Blacksburg, VA


Secretary/Faculty Liaison, CGSA                                                          2012-2013

Blacksburg, VA



Swimming Coach, Southern Virginia Special Olympics                         2012-2013

Christiansburg, VA


Volunteer, Humane Society of Montgomery County                               2011-2013

Christiansburg, VA


Volunteer, Cranwell International Center of Virginia Tech                    2011-2013

Blacksburg, VA



            Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC)

            Graduate Student Association (GSA), Virginia Tech

            Communication Graduate Student Association (CGSA), Virginia Tech

            Graduate-Undergraduate Mentorship Program (GUMP), Virginia Tech


Romanian- Advanced

Previous study of German


Twitter Updates

Meet Maggie

This website was created and maintained by me, Maggie Fesenmaier, a doctoral student at the University of Washington. This website is part of my research to better understand Internet adoption in The Republic of Moldova. There is also a survey on this site that, if you are Moldovan, I encourage you to please take! My Background: My family currently lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, though we spent a good deal of time moving around. I generally grew up amongst the cornfields of Illinois and moved to PA my senior year of high school. I attended and graduated from Penn State (WE ARE…). Immediately following graduation I left for the Moldova with the U.S. Peace Corps. For nearly two years I was based in a northern Moldovan village, near the Ukrainian boarder. I had the most amazing mama gazda and partners that helped me teach health classes in the local high school. Though challenging at times, it was an experience I’ll never forget. The entire village took me in, taught me Romanian, showed me the culture, and, most importantly, fed me (I’ve since tried making pelemeni and mama liga, but it doesn’t compare)! Though far from home, I loved my time in Moldova and it sparked my curiosity and passion for helping the community. Following a year in politics, I came back to school for my Master’s degree (and fingers crossed, PhD). Generally, my work focuses on how communication technology influences knowledge/information adoption by society. There is still a great deal of research that needs to be done to further our understanding of how we accept knowledge and technology. As researchers learn more about our acceptance habits, I’m confident we can also craft more effective information campaigns that truly help society. I frequently get asked, why Moldova?! There are many reasons: Primarily, I owe my host-family and friends a great deal of gratitude! They lovingly (and patiently) taught me a new culture that will always impact my life. Also, however, Moldova is a global leader in immigrant remittances. Each year Moldovans flood into the international job-market and send home money and goods to family. According to the G8 this behavior is to be encouraged in other developing nations. Thus, much of the developing world will follow the Moldovan lead. Possibly, if we can understand the role of technology in information spread in Moldova, then we'll have a jump on understanding the same phenomenon in other nations as well. My time in Moldova and out experiencing the world have encouraged and fueled my studies. I’m thankful everyday that Dragos wandered away and founded the amazing nation of Moldova! If you have any more questions about me or this project please don’t hesitate to contact me. La revedere.